Numerology 2: New App or Update?

January 7, 2014
iOS Marketing Numerology

Numerology 2 is in the planning stages and I’m trying to decide if it should be a new app on the app store, or just an update. Customers want an update because its free, while developers, like me, would like to create a new app because of the additional revenue it will bring with existing customers purchasing the new app.

Customer may cry foul, but us developers need to make money to survive and keep updating their apps and create new ones. Apple doesn’t provide a way for paid updates, so that’s not an option. It’s harder and harder to make money in the app store. I’ve already had to abandon working on my apps full-time and do some contracting to pay the bills. This leaves me with less time to work on Numerology. I’d like to change that and improve Numerology’s sales. One way to do that might be to release a brand new app instead of just an update. I’d love to know what you think, so please send comment below and let me know.