PackRat 0.94: Now with reminders

December 2, 2006

I just released PackRat 0.94. The big thing for this release is editing reminders. Now you can add, delete, and edit your reminders. A lot of people have been waiting for this and I hope you like it.

At this point in PackRat existence, you can now view and edit all your Backpack data, with the exception of your Backpack calendars. We are very near a 1.0 release. All that remains is to polish up some things.

Going forward I want PackRat to take full advantage of the the Mac platform. This means things like Spotlight support, Applescript support, Address Book and iCal integration, iPod syncing, and whatever else makes sense. I love the Mac and want to take full advantage of the platform That is why PackRat is Mac only.

I also want to add things that Backpack doesn’t do right now. Things like searching and deleting all completed list items and anything else you and I can think of to make it more fun and easier to use.

I’ve also decided that releases past 1.0 will continue to be free updates. The price of PackRat is meant to reflect its potential to take advantage of the Mac platform and it hasn’t done that yet. Until I think it has, updates will continue to be free. If you haven’t purchased a license yet, I encourage you do so and support me in this endeavor. You will get your money’s worth and if enough of you do, I will have more time to make PackRat better and in less time. Eventually, I will be able to write other applications that you and others will enjoy.

Enjoy editing your reminders offline.