Released! PackRat 0.8. Editing has begun

April 29, 2006

I just released PackRat v0.8 (build 187). The much awaited editing functionality has started to arrive. Here’s the info:

New Features

  • View->Home command and Home toolbar item
  • Now downloads information about images and files (but doesn’t display them yet)
  • Lists are now editable. Add new items and new lists. edit them, delete them. Then sync with Backpack and your changes are uploaded
  • Inline images (not attached images) are now displayed, but only if they are in your cache.

Bug Fixes

  • Backpack doesn’t properly escape list titles and PackRat now does a better job at reporting these sync errors due to quotes and html tags in titles
  • The Close Window command is back.
  • I found another sync problem when SSL is turned on. If you’ve been having problems syncing that I haven’t been able to help you with, I think this fixed might have done the trick.

Known Bugs

  • Tags browser can crash PackRat when dragging sizer
  • Help needs finishing
  • Still problems when syncing pages with “bad” characters, and HTML tags or quotes in titles
  • Inline images are not displayed properly if not in cache